Public Function SendMail(strSenderName, strSenderAdd, strReceiverName, strReceiverAdd, strSubject, strMailBody, sFileName)
SendMail = False ‘메일에러체크
sFrom = “”&strSenderName&”” & “<“& strSenderAdd &”>” ‘송신자설정
sTo = “”&strReceiverName&”” & “<“& strReceiverAdd &”>” ‘수신자설정
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject(“CDO.Message”)
Set mailConfig = objMail.Configuration
With mailConfig.Fields
.Item(““) = 1 ‘1 : 로컬 SMTP / 2 : 외부 SMTP
‘.Item(““) = “c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup”
.Item(““) = “localhost” ‘외부 서버 IP 또는 도메인
.Item(““) = 25
.Item(““) = 30
End With
Set mailConfig = Nothing
objMail.From = sFrom
objMail.To = sTo
‘ = “” ‘참조
‘ objMail.bcc = “;” ‘숨은참조
objMail.Subject = strSubject
objMail.HTMLBody = strMailBody
objMail.BodyPart.Charset = “UTF-8”
objMail.HTMLBodyPart.Charset = “UTF-8”
If Len(sFileName) > 3 Then
objMail.AddAttachment sFileName
End If
Set objMail = Nothing
If Not Err Then
SendMail = True
End If
Response.Write “메일 발송 완료”
End Function
FromName = “TEST”
FromEmail = “메일@한국.com”
Toname = “고객님”
ToEmail = “고객@한국.com”
Subject = “한국에서 메일보내기”
Message = “한국 입니다..”
rFilePath = “”
bMsg = SendMail(FromName , FromEmail , ToName , ToEmail , Subject , Message, rFilePath)